Generally, stone needs to be polished before it is used, because the stone will be aging and contaminated after time. And polishing is a meticulous processing technology, some people will call it surface enhancement technology. In the stone polishing process, there are more or less factors that affect the polishing effect and quality, so what are the factors that affect the stone polishing?

The influence of the stone itself


1. Types of stone

The different types of stone will affect the polishing effect. Stones with different mineral compositions have different polishing process characteristics. For example, a stone mainly composed of serpentine minerals, such as large green marble, is a tough stone that can be polished, but is not easy to polish.

2. Mineral composition

The stone contains a certain amount of earth minerals, which will also affect the gloss of the stone. A typical example is the red snail. The name of the rock is selected layer stone biological limestone. The panels sawn in parallel planes are flower-shaped and biologically decorated, more like a clam shell, which is very beautiful, but because the ore contains a certain amount of clay minerals, it is difficult for the polished panel to achieve a gloss above 85.

3. Poor quality

Loose granite is often cloud-like minerals that have undergone a certain degree of weathering, such as clay or hydromica, and its polishing effect is difficult to achieve the polishing level of fresh granite. This should be the quality of the stone.

The influence of polishing process factors


1. Polishing agent

In theory, different minerals should use different polishing agents. Although the polishing agent is a special polishing material, the difference between it and the abrasive material is mainly in the processing mechanism. In principle, there are some low-hardness micro-powder materials that can also be used as polishing agents. But generally, high-hardness polishing agents are better than low-hardness ones and have a wide range of applications. Diamond polishing powder can achieve satisfactory polishing results for most stones.

2. Polishing liquid

Water is a commonly used polishing fluid. It can not only play the role of grinding and cooling, but also as a medium for physical and chemical effects in the polishing process. If the stone is polished mainly by mechanical grinding, such as diamond powder, the polishing liquid generally uses oily organic liquids, such as sewing machine oil. Its cooling, lubricating and dispersing effects are excellent. Diamond pastes are available in both water and oil, and colorants can also be added. The formula is: abrasive, dispersant, carrier, water and coloring agent.

3. Polishing disc

The smooth stone panel with flat specifications is a form of expression and processing of stone surface grinding. Hard disks made of metal materials are often used as polishing discs. The polished surface of the floppy disk is easy to yield into a concave surface when the stone is pressed, which is suitable for curved surface polishing. The medium hard disk has good abrasion resistance, good adsorption and certain elasticity, and it has a good polishing effect on flat stone.


4. Polishing head

The feed rate of the polishing head has a great influence on the polishing effect. Studies have shown that with the increase of the feed rate of the polishing head, the surface gloss of the stone will decrease, but if the feed rate is too low, it will accelerate the wear of the head and reduce the production efficiency. . In addition, the operation mode of the polishing head should be coordinated with the operation mode of the coarse and fine grinding heads. The operation mode of the grinding head is divided into vertical and horizontal and density.

5. Polishing process parameters

The process parameters include the concentration and supply of the polishing agent, the pressure and linear velocity during polishing, etc. Before being less than a certain concentration value, the polishing speed increases with the increase of the polishing agent concentration. After the concentration value reaches the limit, if the concentration is increased again, the polishing speed will decrease instead. Similarly, when the supply amount of polishing agent is at a certain value, the polishing speed is high, and if the supply amount continues to increase, the polishing speed will decrease instead. Properly increasing the pressure during polishing can increase the polishing speed, but if the pressure is too high, the grinding effect will be strengthened, which is not conducive to the formation of a glossy surface. The polishing speed depends on the rotation speed of the polishing disc, but if the linear speed is too high, the polishing agent will be thrown out, causing waste.

The above is a complete introduction of the factors that affect stone polishing. It can be seen that the influencing factors of stone polishing mainly depend on two major aspects. One is the stone itself, which is an internal cause; the other is the polishing process, which is an external cause. As far as the impact of the stone itself is concerned, the main factors are the type, mineral composition and quality of the stone. The diamond polishing pad produced by our company can highly polish stone materials under the condition of adding water. The grinding disc has sharp grinding, good heat resistance and pressure resistance, and has the advantages of fast glazing, high brightness and resistance to fading without changing the color of the stone itself.

The main abrasive of the polishing pad is diamond-based, and then combined with composite materials to produce and manufacture flexible processing tools. So what is the performance of the polishing pad, whether it is easy to use or not, how do we choose a custom polishing pad manufacturer? Let’s take a look together.

Due to the irregular shape of the diamond material, there are many concave angles and rough surfaces, the resin bond has a stronger holding force on the abrasive material than ordinary diamond, so under the same grinding parameters, the self-sharpening diamond polishing pad and ordinary diamond grinding wheel In comparison, the grinding ratio is increased by more than 60%. And since the interior of the self-sharpening diamond abrasive is embedded particles composed of many single sub-crystal grains, under the action of stress, only small irregular fragments collapse, leaving many on the surface of each particle. The new small cutting edge, so the surface roughness value of the processed workpiece is lower.


At present, about 60% of abrasive grade diamonds in the world are used to produce resin bond grinding wheels. However, because the commonly used treatment methods do not greatly improve the inertness of the diamond polishing pad surface, the resin does not have good wettability to the diamond, and it is more difficult to form a chemical bond between the bond and the diamond. The bond’s holding force on the diamond is mainly mechanical Interlocking force, so in the resin diamond grinding wheels produced a few days ago, the resin bond’s ability to hold diamonds is not very strong. If we want to improve this situation, we should devote ourselves to improving the resin bond’s mechanical engagement force for abrasives.

According to reports from foreign grinding materials, after grinding PI8 (a foreign cemented carbide grade) products with ordinary diamond resin abrasive tools, about 70% of the abrasives fall off before they are fully functional. Although the use of diamond surface treatment methods (such as diamond polishing pad surface coating, surface plating, etc.) can improve the ability of the resin bond to hold the abrasive, but due to the complex production process and high production cost, the grinding wheel is self-sharpening The performance is also poor, which limits its application to a certain extent.

Due to the wide range of applications and fields of polishing pads, the current use of polishing pads is gradually extending, but what kind of manufacturer do you need to choose for bulk polishing pad customization? At the same time, the unit price of polishing pads is not low, only selected manufacturers must Can guarantee the final polishing pad customization effect, let’s take a look at what kind of polishing pad customization manufacturer to choose?


1. Quality first

Before choosing a polishing pad custom manufacturer, you need to know the manufacturer in advance, mainly to understand its reputation, product quality, and customer evaluation. If the manufacturer has had conflicts with multiple cooperative customers or the quality of the final customized polishing pad submitted If the standard is not up to standard, there is no customer willing to cooperate with such a manufacturer, so quality is the first.

2. Whether there is first-class production equipment

How does the manufacturer’s production workshop directly affect the quality of polishing pad customization? Some manufacturers have advanced production equipment and testing instruments, and when customizing polishing pads, they have strict requirements on the production line in accordance with international advanced standards. Choose such manufacturers to produce The quality of the polishing pad can be more recognized.

3. Choose manufacturers with good market reputation

It is a wise choice to choose what kind of cooperating manufacturer. Many companies know it well, and generally choose cooperating manufacturers with good market reputation and high industry evaluation.

The above is the relevant introduction on how to choose a custom polishing pad manufacturer. Only a professional manufacturer can ensure the quality of the product.

Resin polishing pad is a flexible processing tool made of diamond as abrasive and combined with composite materials. The back is glued with Velcro cloth, which is glued to the joint of the grinding machine. It is used for grinding and can be used for stone, ceramics, glass, Special-shaped processing of floor tiles and other materials.

Used for stone polishing, line chamfering, curved board and special-shaped stone processing. It can also be used for special-shaped processing and repair of marble, concrete, cement floor, terrazzo, glass-ceramic, artificial stone, floor tiles, glazed tiles, and vitrified tiles. It has strong grinding power, good durability, good softness, clarity and gloss. It is an ideal stone grinding tool. The whole process is divided into four stages: rough grinding, fine grinding, fine grinding and polishing. The processed stone has a gloss of over 90°.

With the continuous development of technology, resin polishing pads are also constantly developing, and new types of resin polishing pads have also emerged.

Compared with the traditional resin polishing pad, the new type of resin polishing pad has a more uniform arrangement of cylindrical abrasive grains, and is beneficial to drainage and chip removal.

Resin polishing pad

Resin polishing pad features

Use cylindrical particles;

High polishing speed and high finish;

Long-term durability;

No scratches or color left on the stone after grinding and polishing (not easy to stain);

The scope of application has also been expanded:

Used for grinding and polishing marble, granite and other special-shaped stones;

Use with water, maximum speed rpm4500;

From rough to fine to polished, it can meet various needs;

Spiral polishing pad

Resin polishing pad specifications

Product number Diameter Thickness Granularity 50#, 100#, 200#, 400#, 800#, 1500#, 3000#
inch mm mm  
cfpw80 3″ 80 2.5
60# ,150#, 300#, 500#, 1000#, 2000#, 3000#



cfpw100 4″ 100 2.5
cfpw125 5″ 125 2.5
cfpw150 6″ 150 2.5

Requirements for the use of different specifications of resin polishing pads:

1. When working, the workpiece should be fixed, and the profile positioning should conform to the direction of the knife, so as to avoid abnormal cutting, do not apply side pressure or curve cutting, and the knife should be smooth to avoid the impact of the knife edge contacting the workpiece, which may cause damage to the polishing pad, or The workpiece flew out and an accident occurred.

2. During work, if abnormal sound and vibration, rough cutting surface, or peculiar smell are found, the operation must be terminated immediately, and the fault must be checked in time to avoid accidents.

3. When starting and stopping cutting, do not feed the tool too fast to avoid broken teeth and damage.

4. If cutting aluminum alloy or other metals, special cooling lubricants should be used to prevent the saw blade from overheating, generating paste teeth, and other damage, which affects the cutting quality.

5. The equipment chip trough and slag suction device ensure unobstructed, to prevent the accumulation of slag and block, which affects production and safety.

6. When dry cutting, please do not cut continuously for a long time, so as not to affect the service life and cutting effect of the polishing pad.

Polishing pads, also called polishing leathers, polishing cloths, polishing pads, etc., are important auxiliary materials that determine the surface quality in chemical mechanical polishing. The polishing pad can be specially customized according to various stone processing needs. For a special processing method, there are precautions for custom polishing pads. The following is a detailed description for everyone:


It is important to obtain a smooth mirror surface. When applied to the surface of this kind of workpiece, the polishing pad usually has a foamed plastic handle and has the best features of an all-round tool.



Machining curved surfaces (such as external fillets or S-shaped curved surfaces) is very critical. The material of the diamond polishing pad can be cut into thin strips of any size, and then fixed into a special shape with a hook and loop, forming a mirror-symmetric relationship with the machined curved surface to achieve the desired effect.


For the removal of a large number of materials, such as ceramic tile edge processing and shaping, or rough processing of hard stone, customized polishing pads can use a relatively strong substrate, which carries more diamond abrasive clusters, which can withstand stronger grinding. force.


Cooling water

In order to obtain a better polishing effect and prolong the life of the polishing pad, cooling water must be used during the polishing process. Although dry grinding can be used for some processing, the benefits of cooling water are still great. For example, the resin bond polishing pad has poor heat resistance, and cooling water must be used during processing, which can not only take away the chips, but also prevent the resin base from overheating and affecting the polishing effect.

The polishing pad can keep the polishing process stable, the surface is not deformed, and a good wafer surface morphology can be obtained. The above are the important considerations for custom polishing pads. I hope to help everyone in the customization and selection of polishing pads.

The floor is used frequently in the building, so it is easy to be damaged. Due to the limitation of process technology, many old floors (such as epoxy, emery, terrazzo, floor tiles, cement floor, etc.) gradually expose their defects, and there are differences. The problem of form and degree, so to a certain extent, it needs to be refurbished. Today, diamond water mill manufacturers will come to introduce you to several renovation construction techniques commonly used in industrial floor renovation.

Epoxy floor construction technology

1. Plain treatment: grinding, repairing and dust removal according to the condition of the plain

2. Epoxy Primer: Adopts strong epoxy primer roller coating to improve surface adhesion.

3. Epoxy approved soil: According to the actual needs of construction of several passes, it is required to achieve flat and no holes, no batch of knife and sand printing

4. Epoxy topcoat: two coats of solvent-based epoxy topcoat or anti-slip topcoat.

5. Construction is completed: people can be loaded after 24 hours, and pressure can be heavy after 72 hours. (25 ° C prevails, the opening time at low temperature needs to be moderately extended).


Concrete seal curing agent floor (mirror type) construction technology

1. Grass-roots treatment: before construction, clean and clear the sundries, oil, and curing agents on the ground. Cement-based repair mortar was used to repair the pits and cracks on the ground and cured for 3 days.

2. Grinding the ground: The surface quality is poor and rough: install a rough diamond module on a water grinder (7.5KW machine), add water to grind the ground, and after basic smoothing, change the fine grinding heads separately, and finely grind the ground, The same process is water milled) until the floor is smooth. After grinding the ground, clean the ground with water, and use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the sewage. For better, smooth new wear-resistant floors, you can directly apply concrete seal curing agent.

3. Brush concrete seal curing agent: After the floor is cleaned and the surface is allowed to air dry, brush concrete seal curing agent can be applied. Use a roller or sprayer to evenly apply the curing agent to the ground, and the average application amount is 10 ㎡ / kg. If the base surface is poor and has strong permeability, it must be painted twice after 1-2 hours; after about 1-2 hours (before the material is dry and shiny), spray some water on the ground to wet the material. Use a broom or a floor to scrub and wash the surface to allow the material to penetrate the ground, and repeat 2-3 times, then rinse the ground to remove excess material on the surface.

4. Ultra-fine polishing (mirror fruit): To improve the gloss and light fruit of the ground to reach the mirror fruit, a 1.1KW high-gloss polishing machine can be used, and 500-mesh, 1000-mesh, 2000-mesh, and 3000-mesh diamond polishing pads can be adhered to the disc. Watering ultra-fine polished floor.


Wear-resistant floor construction technology

1. Removal of scum: Slowly and evenly destroy scum on the surface of a single concrete with a machine equipped with a disc.

2. Spread material: Spread the specified amount of 2-3 wear-resistant material on the concrete surface in the initial setting stage. After the abrasion-resistant material absorbs moisture, the mechanical operation of adding a disc is performed, and when the abrasion-resistant material is hardened to a fixed stage, the abrasion-resistant material spreading operation is performed twice.

3. Disc operation: After the abrasion-resistant material absorbs moisture, perform mechanical operations for installing discs at least three times. The speed of the machine will be degraded depending on the hardening of the concrete. The mechanical concrete operation should be crisscrossed.

4. Finishing the surface: The final modification of the wear-resistant flooring material is processed using mechanical concrete or manual concrete. When polishing, it should be criss-crossed. The angle of the iron plate and the speed of the machinery should be adjusted and cut according to the hardening of the ground surface. .

Dear customers,

Sincere thanks to our company for its support and cooperation since 2019!

The Spring Festival in 2020 is approaching. In order to effectively complete the work arrangements before and after the Spring Festival and the actual situation of freight and production, the 2020 Spring Festival holiday is tentatively scheduled as follows:

1. Production department:

January 17th, 2020 (the 24th lunar month of the lunar calendar) is officially closed until February 1, 2020 (the 8th day of the first lunar month of the lunar calendar). In case of special circumstances, please call sales staff or telephone 0505-85800997.

Normal models can continue to be shipped, special models or customized products need to wait until formal work before production, thank you for your cooperation.

Marketing department:

January 14th, 2020 (the 20th lunar month) will be officially closed until February 3rd, 2020 (the 10th day of the first lunar month). During the holidays, business needs to continue to be tracked, pay attention to fire and electricity, thank you for your cooperation.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Congratulations to everyone: Happy family and prosperity in the new year! !!

The polishing pad is a flexible processing tool made of resin as a binding agent and combined with a composite material. Velcro is glued on the back, which is fastened to the joint of the hand-held mill for grinding. Polished granite and other materials are processed in special shapes. The whole process is divided into four stages: rough grinding, fine grinding, fine grinding, and polishing. The processed stone has a gloss of more than 90 °.

There are many types of polishing pads with different composition ratios. Mainly used for grinding and polishing of Shicai stone, glass, ceramics, waist and eyes. (Granite, marble, and other heterogeneous stone corners, inner arcs, outer arcs, planes, glass, ceramic sides, corners, planes, planes of ceramic waistlines) Granularity number: 50 #, 100 #, 200 #, 400 #, 800 #, 1500 #, 3000 #, BUFF. It is widely used in the grinding and polishing of marble, granite and other special-shaped stones. The maximum rotation speed is RPM4500. When grinding, from coarse to fine to polishing, it can meet various needs.

Resin polishing pad features


(1) Strong grinding force;

(2) High degree of wear resistance;

(3) Good polishing effect;

(4) Long service life;

(5) No scratches or color remains on the stone after grinding and polishing (not easy to dye).

Resin polishing pad polishing process

Spiral polishing pad

1. Disposal of base surface;

2. Damage repair;

3. Leveling: use 30 # -100 # special innovative film (water mill);

4, rough grinding: 200 # -300 # special soft polishing pad (water mill);

5. Fine grinding: use 500 # -1500 # special soft polishing pad (water mill);

6. Fine grinding (rough polishing): use 2000 # -3000 # special soft polishing pad (water or dry grinding, and finally use dry grinding) innovative flooring;

7. Clean and dry;

8. Soaked in glazing;

9. Fine polishing: Use sponge polishing pads (choose 1-2 granularity according to needs).

New ground soaking treatment:

1. Fine grinding: use 200 # -500 # special soft polishing pad (water mill);

2. Soaking treatment;

Resin polishing pad

3. Fine grinding (rough polishing): use 500 # -1500 # special soft polishing pad (water or dry grinding, and finally use dry grinding again) floor innovation film;

4. Clean and dry;

5. Impregnation and glazing: use concrete penetrating brightener or similar products

6. Fine polishing: use sponge polishing pads (select 1-2 granularity according to needs) floor renovation pieces
Generally divided into ordinary resin grinding discs and super hard resin grinding wheels according to the grinding material. Ordinary resin grinding wheels are made of white corundum, brown corundum and silicon carbide. Super hard resin grinding wheel is a grinding wheel with diamond or CBN as the main grinding part.

In the production process, diamond wheels are used to polish the belt. Usually, the wheel is removed for cleaning after 5-7 days of operation.

Now we soak it in acetone for 2 hours and then clean it with imported cleaner. The effect is very good, but it is not environmentally friendly and does not save energy. The cleaning of resin polishing pads requires environmental protection and cannot damage the diamond wheel.

The concrete polishing pad adopts special formula and technology, which is specially used for the grinding, polishing and refurbishing treatment of industrial floors, warehouses, parking lots and other concrete floors, cement self-leveling floors, various aggregate hardener floors and liquid hardener floors.

1. Base surface treatment: fully soak the ground with water, use a high-pressure scrubber or a refurbisher with a hard brush to fully clean the loose surface layer, and treat the hollow drum part separately.

2. Damage repair: Absorb the surface water with a water absorber, apply interface agent, repair with the required repair materials and maintain it according to the specifications.


3. Leveling: Use TFP series concrete floor polishing pad or metal polishing pad (water or dry grinding).

4. Coarse grinding:Use 50 # -200 # series concrete floor refurbishment film.

5. Penetration treatment: The concrete liquid hardener is used for hardening according to the specifications. If the original ground hardness is poor, it is recommended to do an infiltration hardening treatment before rough grinding.


6. Fine grinding: Use 200 # -300 # series concrete polishing pad. If the ground hardness meets the construction requirements after infiltration hardening, sanding will not occur during fine grinding.

7. Fine grinding (rough polishing): Use 500 # -1500 # series concrete polishing pad.

8. Cleaning and drying: Use a refurbished machine with a cleaning pad to thoroughly clean the floor, and use a water suction machine to dry it.

9. Penetration. Glazing: Use concrete penetrating brightener or similar products. Pay attention to the different processing methods of different products.

10. Fine polishing: Use concrete polishing pad 3000 # (select 1-2 granularity according to needs).
New ground penetration treatment is recommended to be carried out after “fine grinding”. If sand appears on the ground during fine grinding, it is recommended to do a penetration hardening treatment before fine grinding.



1. Select different types of refurbishers and polishing pads according to needs and experience. The grinding effect will be affected by various factors: ground hardness, grinder weight, counterweight, speed, whether water is added and the amount of water, polishing pad model, quantity, polishing Pad size, grinding time and experience, etc .;

2. Select polishing pads with different grain sizes according to the hardness of the ground and the experience of the technician. , 1000 #, 1500 #, 2000 #, 3000 #.

3. Dry and water mills use polishing pads with different formulas. Water mill can reduce dust on site and improve efficiency. The granularity number is: 30 #, 50 #, 150 #, 300 #, 500 #, 1000 #, 2000 #, 3000 #. It can be selected according to the actual situation. The effect and the hardness and flatness of the ground are used. , Grinding time, use experience. Throughout the processing process, rough grinding and fine grinding are more uniform and more thorough, and fine calendar and polishing can be saved in the heavy effect. Good grinding and polishing will save time and effect.

4. It is recommended to clean the ground before using the next size pad after each grinding, otherwise it will affect the grinding effect.

The polishing pad has a uniform and standardized particle color system and good flexibility. It is widely used in the processing of marble, artificial stone and other lines, countertop curved plates and special-shaped stone processing. There are multiple shapes to choose from, and different particle sizes are used differently. Colors can be distinguished and can be matched according to the different needs of customers. Then, only using polishing pads is not enough. The following aspects also need attention:

1. When abnormal sounds and vibrations, rough cutting surfaces or abnormal odors are found, the work must be terminated immediately, and faults should be checked and eliminated in time to avoid accidents.

2. During work, the workpiece should be fixed, and the profile positioning should be in the direction of the cutter to avoid abnormal cut-in. No side pressure or curve cutting is applied. The knife is sent smoothly. Flying out and causing an accident.


3. When cutting and stopping cutting, do not go too fast, so as not to break and break the teeth.

4. If cutting aluminum alloy or other metals, use special cooling lubricant to prevent the saw blade from overheating and causing tooth damage, which will affect the cutting quality.

5. Equipment chip discharge slag tank and slag suction device ensure smooth water flow, prevent slag agglomeration, and affect production and safety.

6. Dry cutting, do not cut for a long time, so as not to affect the service life of the saw blade and cutting fruit; when wet cutting, water cutting should be added to prevent leakage.

What is the purpose of different specifications polishing pads?

1. Suitable for the processing of artificial stone, granite and marble. It has a complete and standard granular color system and good flexibility. Easier to machine lines, chamfers, curved plates and shaped stones. The specifications are optional, and various particle sizes are easy to distinguish. Various grinding machines can be flexibly configured according to needs and customization.

2. Granite, marble, artificial stone slabs for the treatment and renovation of various floors and steps, according to the needs and habits, flexible use of various hand-cranked or refurbished machines.


3. For the grinding and polishing of ceramic tiles, ceramic tile manufacturers have manufactured a complete set of manual, automatic, and semi-dispersing machines, which can be used for semi-polishing and polishing of microcrystalline tiles, glazed tiles and antique tiles. The luminous surface has a brightness value of more than 90. Used for floor treatment and renovation of microcrystalline tiles and various ceramic tiles. It can be flexibly used with various grinding machines or newer machines according to needs and habits.

4. Water mill can also be used in the industrial floor, warehouse, parking lot concrete floor or various aggregate hardener floor modification treatment, especially the current popular liquid curing agent floor project, can be flexibly used according to needs and habits. DS grinder of the same size for rough grinding, fine grinding and polishing.

Spiral polishing pad

Water grinder is suitable for hand-held electric or pneumatic mills, with a joint power of 750-1500W and a speed of 2000 ~ 10000 revolutions. When working, the fixed pressure is applied to the machine while the water is flowing. 4-5 times can be exchanged on the surface of the stone being polished. You can replace the finer abrasive discs. After understanding the aspects needing attention, you will use the polishing pad more flexibly and safely.

Stone refurbishment refers to repairing, grinding, and polishing the newly paved stone, or repairing, grinding, and polishing the old damaged stone to eliminate the height difference and maintain the stone’s brightness and flatness. It also renews its natural and luxurious nature.

Stone renovation is divided into marble renovation, terrazzo renovation, artificial renovation, granite renovation and so on. Different stone materials, the renovation process is also different, but the same. (For example, the overall density of marble is lower than that of granite, but the number of types is difficult to count. The density difference is not small, so the grinding time and materials used for refurbishment will also vary. Granite has a higher density. , So the renovation will take longer.)


First, the tools used in stone renovation are:

Stone refurbishing machine, single brush machine, hand throwing machine, angle grinder, stone slitting machine (cutting machine) and other tools and equipment.

Second, the materials used in stone renovation are:

Crystal powder, crystal hardener, diamond polishing pad, polishing pad, abrasive brush, marble adhesive, hot rubber, red pad, white pad, steel wool and other materials.

Third, the stone renovation process:

Spiral polishing pad

1. First clean up the original fillings between the stone gaps, and then use a special stone slitting machine to cut the slits of the original stone installation neatly to reduce the gap width between the stones to a minimum. The color is filled with marble adhesive.

2. Use marble glue close to the color of the stone and perfect color matching, so that it is close to the color of the original stone to improve the overall sense and achieve the best visual effect.

3. Fill the adjusted marble glue. Because the marble glue will shrink to a certain degree after it is completely solidified, the marble glue should be slightly higher than the stone level, so that it will not be filled multiple times.

4. Use polishing pads and fillers to make it a horizontal surface with the stone, increase the overall sense of the stone, and solve the problem of the height between the gaps to prevent the gaps from turning black again. The granite refurbishment machine is used together with the special cutting polishing pad to carefully polish the cutting position, so that it becomes a flat whole with the stone.


5. Grinding and polishing: Use a special stone rock polishing machine to grind from coarse, medium and fine sizes. If rough ground is found during the grinding process, the ground has pits, drops, crystals, and honey. After the watch is completely dry, it must be repaired separately. After the overall grinding, the ground flatness cannot be seen by waves, which makes the ground bright and flat as new.

6. Crystallization treatment: The stone crystal powder and crystal agent are used in combination with the crystal surface sander to polish. Under the weight of the grinding, the stone and the crystal powder undergo a comprehensive physical and chemical reaction under the action of high temperature to form a dense and hard crystalline protective layer. . After crystallization, it can enhance the color and brightness, and can also achieve anti-slip, waterproof and oil-proof effects.