The polishing pad has a uniform color system and good flexibility. It is widely used in the processing of granite, marble, artificial stone and other lines, chamfers, countertops, curved plates and special-shaped stones. Choose, each size number is distinguished by different colors. Nowadays, polishing pads are often used when polishing the surface of some materials such as metal, marble, and tile. Then what is the role of the polishing pad?

1. The polishing pad sticking plate refers to the sticking of backing sandpaper and polishing pad installed on an angle grinder or marble stone for polishing. It is often used for polishing large-area plane polishing of automobile sheet metal, furniture, leather, etc., polishing irregular surface polishing, etc. When used, it has good polishing results and is cheap.


2. It is used for the processing of artificial stone, granite, marble and other stone materials. It has a complete and standardized grain color system and good flexibility. Lines, chamfers, curved plates and special-shaped stones are handy. There are many shapes and specifications to choose from. Various particle size numbers are easy to identify, and can be flexibly used with various hand mills according to needs and habits.

3. It is used for the treatment and renovation of various floors and steps after laying of granite, marble and artificial stone plates. It can be flexibly used with various hand mills or refurbishers according to needs and habits.

4. For the polishing and polishing of ceramic tiles. The ceramic tile manufacturers are equipped with manual, automatic full-polishing machines and semi-polishing machines for the full-polishing and semi-polishing of microcrystalline tiles, glazed tiles and antique tiles. The brightness value of the smooth surface can reach more than 90; it is used for the floor treatment and renovation of the microcrystalline tiles and various ceramic tiles. It can be flexibly used with various hand mills or refurbishers according to needs and habits.


5. It is used for the renovation of industrial floors, warehouses, parking lots and other concrete floors or various aggregate hardener floors, especially today’s popular liquid hardener floor projects, which can be flexibly matched with various hand grinding according to needs and habits. Machine or refurbished machine, DS grinding discs with different particle sizes are used for rough grinding, fine grinding and polishing.

Polishing pads are widely used in industrial equipment. Nowadays, polishing pads are often used when polishing the surface of some metals, marbles, ceramic tiles and other materials. The above is all about the role of polishing pads. I hope everyone will read them Will understand.


Floor paint construction often encounters the phenomenon that the newly installed polishing pad has been consumed too quickly before it has been used. So what is causing the polishing pad to run out too quickly?

The reason for the fast consumption of polishing pads

The polishing pad is divided into soft foundation, medium foundation and hard foundation. Hard foundation polishing pads are used for the ground with poor compactness. Soft foundation polishing pads are used for better quality. Generally, it is sufficient to use medium foundation for the ground. During the initial construction period, some concrete The quality of the ground is relatively poor, especially in the case of some old ground renovations. The flatness is poor, the ground is loose, and the water mill treatment is prone to generate a lot of mud, which causes the polishing pad to be consumed very quickly. The main reason for polishing pad consumption.


1. For the ground with poor quality, it is recommended that you use medium and large floor grinders, spray dry on the ground, and then use dry grinding. Select a hard-based metal polishing pad No. 30 and loosen the surface layer before leveling. Processing, then use a 100-type hard or soft base metal polishing pad and then process and polish, the basic hardness and flatness are not all processed, and the subsequent work is much simpler.

2. If you encounter sand with poor ground foundation density and the polishing pad will wear each other, so it is easy to accelerate the consumption of the polishing pad. At this time, we can first perform purification treatment to achieve higher ground density. Polishing later can save the use of polishing pads.

3. It is recommended to use diamond polishing pads or thick concrete polishing pads for ground leveling and rough grinding. Fine sand polishing pads can be used without coarse sand polishing pads.

4. It is recommended to use sharp resin polishing pads for hard concrete floors, increase machine counterweight, reduce mill speed, and reduce forward speed.

5. It is recommended to use durable resin polishing pads for soft concrete floors, increase the speed of the mill, and accelerate the forward speed.

6. When using the polishing pad, do not use jump numbers. According to the normal use situation, dry grinding is more consumable than water grinding, but water grinding treatment will make the ground more uniform and delicate.

From the above understanding, we know that in the early stage of the construction of wear-resistant floors, the quality of most concrete floors is not very good, especially for the refurbishment of some old floors, the flatness is not good, the ground is loose, and the hardness is poor. Mud, causing the polishing pad to be consumed particularly quickly. At this time we need to choose different polishing pads for different floors.


The most common stone grinding disc is the diamond polishing pad. The diamond polishing pad is mainly made of high-quality resin binder and diamond micro-powder, combined with advanced and exquisite technology. It is widely used in floor renovation, stone processing and In the production of ceramic tiles and other industries.

Because the diamond polishing pad has a relatively uniform color and color, whether it is chamfered on marble or granite, the processing on the lines is very wide, and the choice of specifications and shapes is more diverse, different. The granularity is differentiated by using different colors, and the devices can be used according to the needs and habits of the users.

After the diamond grinding disc is added with water, the conditions for its use will also be improved, and the grinding, polishing and processing of ceramics, glass and stone can be effectively processed. The sharpness and heat resistance of the spiral diamond grinding disc are better, and Under the premise of not changing the color of the stone itself, it has the characteristics of high brightness, fast glazing and no fading.

Stone polishing pad use

The first step is rough grinding. In rough grinding, we require the polishing pad to have a deep knife and high grinding efficiency. The grinding grain is thicker and the ground surface is rough. The main function is to clear the diamond. The saw blade marks left in the previous process and the flat surface of the stone is ground in place.

The second step of fine grinding, the finely ground diamond surface pattern, particles, color, etc. have been clearly shown, and the surface is more delicate, smooth, and the finely ground stone began to have a weak gloss.

In the third step, the polished and polished stone surface has no visible marks, and the surface will be smoother and smoother, and the highest degree of lightness can reach 55 degrees or more.

The fourth step of polishing, after we have done the first few steps, we use marble polishing machine to grind the marble from 50-3000 stone polishing pad from coarse to fine, which can make the ground bright and new as new The polished marble surface is very bright, and the marble’s lightness can reach 85 degrees or more.

Because the polishing pad has uniform and standardized grain color and good flexibility, it is widely used in stone processing, and has multiple shapes. Various grain sizes are distinguished by different colors, which can be matched according to different needs of customers. So what should you pay attention to when using the polishing pad?

Precautions for use

1. When abnormal sounds and vibrations, rough cutting surfaces or odors are found, the work must be terminated immediately, and the faults should be checked and eliminated in time to avoid accidents.

2. When working, the workpiece should be fixed, the profile positioning should be consistent with the direction of the tool to avoid abnormal cutting, no side pressure or curve cutting, smooth knife feeding, avoiding the impact of the blade and workpiece contact, resulting in saw blade damage, or workpiece Flying out, causing an accident.

3. When cutting and stopping cutting, do not use it too fast to avoid broken and broken teeth.

4. If cutting aluminum alloy or other metal, use special cooling lubricant to prevent the saw blade from overheating, causing damage such as paste and affecting the cutting quality.

5. The equipment discharge slag tank and slag suction device ensure the smooth flow of water, prevent slag agglomeration and affect production and safety.

6. Dry cutting, do not cut for a long time, so as not to affect the life of the saw blade and cut fruit; wet cutting, should be cut with water to prevent leakage.

The above is the use of stone polishing pads. The polishing pads are easier to process lines, chamfers, curved plates and shaped stones due to the complete and standard particle size color system and good flexibility. The specifications are optional, the various particle sizes are easy to distinguish, and the various grinders can be flexibly configured according to needs and customization. The various floors and steps laid on granite, marble and artificial stone slabs can be treated and refurbished according to needs and habits. Use a variety of hand or refurbished machines.

For the grinding and polishing of tiles, tile manufacturers have manufactured complete manual, automatic, semi-dispersing machines for semi-polishing and polishing of microcrystalline bricks, glazed tiles and antique tiles. The brightness of the illuminated surface can reach more than 90. Floor treatment and refurbishment for microcrystalline bricks and various tiles. It can be used flexibly with various grinders or update machines according to needs and habits.

The reason why stone is loved by people, in addition to the charming natural color and hard texture, crystal clear luster is always the people’s favorite. People always pursue the high luster of stone, because the higher stone luster will show the nobleness and grandeur of the stone. However, the understanding and evaluation of the luster of the stone is relative.

The same kind of stone, grinding and polishing equipment and materials, the gloss is not the same; the same equipment and materials, will also get different luster in different stone varieties; in addition, the gloss of the stone and processing The environment and skills have a big relationship. Therefore, how to improve the polishing technology and effect of stone has been a subject of constant efforts in the industry.

The links and processes related to stone grinding and polishing can be divided into factory grinding and polishing and maintenance grinding, or large grinding and small grinding. Of course, due to some factors, some small equipment and tools are used in the factory to polish and polish the stone. We call it a small polishing.

For example, repair of broken sheets, processing of irregular shapes, processing of lines, and the like. Maintenance of grinding and polishing refers to reprocessing the stone gloss during the installation and application of the stone.

First, the significance of improving the gloss effect of stone reprocessing

In the different stages of stone application, there will be requirements for small polishing or re-polishing of the stone part or whole according to the needs. For example, in the case of grinding and polishing a small area of ​​stone, like in the case of repairing the board, the sheet is trimmed. In the case of the restoration of the surface gloss of the stone, as in the case of refurbishing the surface of the stone.

In these cases, the grinding and polishing of the stone is difficult to obtain a gloss which is consistent with or higher than that of the large plate or the original surface due to the restriction of equipment and materials.

Stone application is a systematic project, we emphasize the consistency of stone gloss.

Due to individual sheet or partial treatment, these individual local gloss drops can affect the coordination and consistency of the overall effect.

The overall grinding and refurbishment of the floor may also be less than the original effect. The marble countertops will also have the requirement to restore gloss due to local wear or acid corrosion. Although these conditions are a very small part of the overall application of stone, the effect will be very high attention, and these are also places that reflect details and meticulousness, and are also prone to disputes. Therefore, the restoration of the local luster of the stone and the improvement of the regrind and polishing are very important for the overall improvement of the effect of the stone.

Second, the current market situation of small grinding materials and technology

For the local grinding and polishing of stone, these small grinding and polishing processes, the existing equipment and materials are still relatively old, or extend the angle grinder, polishing pad and wax. It is difficult to obtain a good gloss effect by using these tools and materials, and the trace of luster is obvious, and the effect is not durable. These treated parts and parts tend to attract people’s attention and have a greater impact on the evaluation of effects.
As for the overall grinding and refurbishment of the stone floor, due to the increase in business volume in recent years, people have made great changes in equipment renewal and material investment. The refurbishment equipment has greatly improved in terms of power, gravity and speed. The matching grinding and polishing materials have also undergone major changes in types and performance, and are also more specialized and serialized.

For the gloss treatment of the profile and the line, although the existing equipment will give it a better luster, the seams and the like are still handled manually by people. Although there are some products such as hand-powder on the market, they are rarely used for reasons of efficiency and efficiency. So we still often see that wax is still a frequent choice for people under these conditions.

Third, stone polishing method

Polishing principle of stone products: The beauty of decorative stone, in addition to the color of the product, is mainly reflected in the gloss of the product, so the polishing of the product is an important and key link. How to polish the product to achieve the best effect, first of all, to understand the polishing Materials, methods, principles.

The polishing materials are mainly chromium oxide (Cr2O3), white corundum, alumina (Al2O3, 0.3um, VK-L30F), oxalic acid (COOH2).

There are two types of polishing stones: resin polishing blocks; resin polishing disks.

Polishing of the product: placing the polishing stone on the processed product, using the mechanical equipment to run quickly and dry polishing, wet polishing to achieve the polishing effect, the surface of the product will have a strong reflected light, which is commonly known as gloss .

The principle of polishing is mainly reflected in two aspects: the principle of particle grinding; the principle of physical chemistry.

1. Microparticle grinding: When the abrasive particles are coarsely ground to finely ground and polished, the traces of the abrasive on the surface of the stone are traced from coarse to fine to no visible to the naked eye, and the surface is smooth, smooth and delicate. When it reaches 110 microns, the surface of the processed surface has a specular gloss, which is radiant and bright.

Particle grinding consists of the following processes:

1 Rough grinding: requires the grinding tool to have a deep knife, high grinding efficiency, rough grinding, and rough surface. It mainly removes the traces of the saw blade left in the previous process and flatten the product. , the molding surface is ground in place;

2 semi-fine grinding: the coarse grinding marks are removed to form a new thinner grain, and the processing surface of the product is smooth and smooth;

3 fine grinding: the finely ground product pattern, granules and color have been clearly displayed, the surface is fine and smooth, and begins to have a weak gloss;

4 Fine grinding: After processing, there is no trace of the naked eye. The surface is getting smoother and the gloss is about 40~50 degrees;

5 Polishing: This step is the most important place for light extraction. Generally, it needs to be processed with alumina mirror polishing powder (VK-L30F) of about 0.3um. The surface of the treated stone is bright as a mirror and has a certain specular gloss. 85 degrees or more).

2, physical and chemical principles: polishing process has two, namely “dry and wet polishing”, polishing stone between “dry and wet” when the physical and chemical effects of stone products, dry polishing is the temperature of the stone surface Evaporation of water leads to an increase in the concentration of the polishing grindstone, thereby achieving a strengthening effect, and the gloss of the product begins to meet the desired requirements, and the gloss is above 85 degrees or higher.

The polishing stone is polished on the processed product. After the polished product is hot, add water to the surface to reduce the temperature. It is not allowed to add water or add a large amount of water. Otherwise, the lubrication of the water will make the polishing less than Ideally, dry polishing cannot be used all at all. Excessive temperatures can burn the surface and crack the surface.

Generally speaking, after the product is finely ground, the gloss of the product is about 40~50, and some stones can not reach the above gloss after fine grinding, such as Shanxi black, black gold sand, Jining black, etc. The gloss is only between 20 and 30 degrees. It is explained by the principle of particle grinding in the front. This product is dry and wet, the temperature rises, the temperature is lowered, the polishing process is strengthened, and the physical and chemical reaction occurs. After dry polishing and wet polishing, the gloss is gradually increased, and the gloss is more than 85 degrees.

Polishing pads, also known as soft-grinding pads, are often used when polishing tiles and marble. Artificial stone can also be polished. Artificial stone is often used on the countertop of the cabinet. The hardness is not very high. However, the polishing pad can be polished with different grain size polishing pads such as tiles and marble. The polishing pad can be polished. Artificial stone? How do different sizes of polishing pads handle artificial stone?

First, the polishing pad can polish artificial stone

The polishing pad can be used to polish artificial stone. The main abrasive of the polishing pad is diamond-based, and then combined with the composite material, so that the flexible processing tool can be produced and manufactured directly for materials such as ceramics and artificial stone. Shaped processing, the entire processing process can be divided into four different stages: rough grinding, fine grinding, fine grinding and polishing, after the diamond processing of artificial stone, the overall gloss can reach at least 90%.

Second, how to grind artificial stone

1. Dry grinding, peeling marble with artificial stone refurbished machine. Remove the surface of the artificial stone and open the pores of the artificial stone. Treatment of artificial stone dirty chemical reagents to remove artificial stone dirt, waterproof to prevent wet grinding in the later stage, sewage infiltrated into the artificial stone interior, slitting, caulking and slitting, glue replacement, for the overall aesthetics, wet grinding, polishing pad polishing in turn .

2. Already belongs to fine grinding and polishing (in the overall renovation), such as simple polishing: waxing (if waxing), cleaning, grinding with steel wool or animal hair pad. Surface crystallization (sealing glaze for ceramic tiles) with crystal surface machine scouring pad and crystal powder, layer protection layer on the surface of artificial stone, to prevent dirt from penetrating into the artificial stone inside can also play a fixed anti-scratch function. At the same time enhance the brightness of artificial stone. There is a protection period of about 1 year.

Third, how to deal with artificial stone with different particle size polishing pads

1. Flat processing

Remove the loose surface of the old floor: use 30#-100# concrete dry grinding sheet or 30#-100# metal grinding sheet to easily remove the loose surface of the floor. A large floor grinder is recommended.

2. The plane processing flatness is poor

First use 50# metal grinding sheet to first level, then use 100# concrete dry grinding sheet for roughing and leveling, then use 200# concrete dry grinding sheet or 200# concrete soft (dry) to grind the grinding piece.

3. Large area repair surface treatment

It is recommended to grind and level with a 50# metal grinding disc before the surface is cured. After curing, use 100# concrete dry grinding disc for grinding and leveling, accurately grasp the grinding time and make the floor treatment. It’s simple and easy.

4. The old plane processing has a good flatness

Use 50#-200# concrete dry grinding disc or concrete soft (dry) grinding disc according to the ground hardness.

5. Rough grinding treatment

(1) After the ground leveling treatment, select the coarse grain number (100#-300#) concrete dry grinding plate rough grinding.

(2) terrazzo floor, concrete colored sand floor, uniform dry sand hardener floor: according to the floor hardness selection granularity 30#-200# concrete soft (dry) grinding plate and concrete dry grinding plate rough grinding, using particle size 100 in #-300 #混凝土干磨盘, large grinding machine can improve the grinding rate and make the grinding flatness better.

6. Fine grinding treatment

(1) New aggregate hardener floor to maintain the surface of the puree: Select the granular floor soft sandpaper of the above 300#-500# or small grinder, and select the corresponding grain size and curing time according to the surface hardness. sheet. New flooring with good mechanical light tends to form a uniform surface finish.

(2) Ground after rough grinding: The concrete soft (dry) grinding disc with the above size of 300#-1500# is usually used for fine grinding treatment. With the matching, the large grinding machine can improve the grinding rate and make the grinding flatness more. it is good.

7. Polishing treatment

Abrasive sheets suitable for ground polishing include concrete soft (dry) abrasive sheets having a size of 1000#-3000# and concrete polishing sheets having a size of 300#-6000#. It is usually installed on a refurbished machine or a floor grinder. Polished fruit is related to ground hardness, flatness and pre-treated fruit. Dry throwing fruit is better.

8. Crystal surface treatment

The concrete polishing pad has a total of 7 particle sizes, such as 300#500#1000#2000#3000#6000#10000#, which is used for polishing after floor finishing. When using, please select the size number for polishing according to the requirements. The commonly used size number is 6000#, which is usually used for ground grinders or refurbished machines. Dry throwing is better than wet casting. It is recommended to use a concrete brightener for the surface treatment of the floor. After spraying the concrete brightener, use a 6000# concrete polishing pad for drying, which is easy to bring a long-lasting and charming mirror.

The grinding of artificial stone is not difficult. As long as it is polished according to the standard method, the polished surface is very beautiful. In addition, the polished artificial stone should also be maintained frequently to be durable!

Many people are used to polishing pads with water because the water polishing pads are deeper and less prone to scratches and dust. Resin polishing pads are generally classified into ordinary resin grinding discs and super hard resin grinding wheels according to abrasive materials. Ordinary resin grinding wheel is a grinding wheel with white fused alumina, brown fused alumina and silicon carbide as the main grinding components. The super-hard resin grinding wheel is a grinding wheel with diamond or CBN as the main grinding part.

Resin polishing pad features

High quality resin binder with strong grinding power;

Fast polishing speed and high finish;

High wear resistance and long service life;

No scratches and color left on the stone after grinding and polishing (not easy to dye);

Application range

Used for grinding and polishing marble, granite and other shaped stones;

Use water, high speed RPM4500;

Grinding from coarse to fine to polishing, to meet various needs.

Resin polishing pad model selection

1. Polishing treatment: The polishing pad suitable for the ground polishing treatment includes: a resin polishing pad having a particle size of 1000#-3000#. It is usually installed on a refurbished machine or a floor grinder. The polishing effect is related to the hardness, flatness and pre-treatment of the ground. The dry throwing effect is better.

2. Crystal surface treatment: The polishing sheet has a total of 3 particle size numbers such as 1000# 2000#3000#, which is used for polishing after the fine grinding of the floor. When using, choose a particle size number to polish according to the requirements. The commonly used particle size number is 2000#, which is usually used on the floor grinder or refurbished machine. The wet throw is better than the dry throwing light fruit. Use concrete brightener for floor surface treatment. After spraying the concrete brightener, using the 2000# resin polishing pad, it is easy to bring a long-lasting and charming mirror fruit.

Polishing pad life and grinding fruit will be affected by various factors, including ground hardness, grinder weight, counterweight, speed, whether water and water, polishing pad type, quantity, particle size, grinding time and experience. It can be used with a variety of refurbished machines and grinders. It can improve the grinding rate of medium and large grinding machines and make the ground flatness better. Use a resin dry polishing pad without water grinding, otherwise use a resin water polishing pad.

Dry stone grinding, as the name implies, does not add water when grinding stone. Adding water when grinding is called water grinding. What is the difference between the two? When is the dry grinding? When is the water mill?

1. What is the difference between dry grinding and water grinding?

1, the polishing pad is different

The mainstream polishing pads currently on the market are mostly made of synthetic diamond particles and resin binders. Diamond is the diamond we usually say, and resin, in a broad sense, is a general term for a variety of high molecular polymers that can be used as plastic raw materials.

When the stone is grinded, the grinding piece and the surface of the stone are rubbed, and the high temperature is instantaneously generated under the speed and pressure of the machine rotation. This temperature can melt the general resin, and the inferior polishing pad is easily deformed and distorted when it is ground for this reason. Adding water to the stone water mill can accelerate the heat dissipation, and the requirements for the polishing pad composition are slightly lower, while the dry grinding does not add water, and the heat is emitted slowly. Therefore, the resin used for the dry polishing pad must select a high-quality resin with high temperature resistance.

Dry polishing pad with high temperature resistant resin

Simply speaking, due to the composition, the dry polishing pad can be water-grinded, but the ordinary polishing pad can not be dry-grinded for a long time. The grinding plate made of high-quality resin can be dry-grinded or water-grinded.

2, water mill damage to the stone is less

The high temperature generated during the grinding of the stone can cause certain damage to the structural crystal of the stone. Stones are burnt at high temperatures, which are prone to a series of problems such as loss of light, chipping, and chalking.

The reason is the composition of the stone. The main component of the marble is calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is converted into calcium oxide after being calcined at a high temperature, which is the so-called firing process of lime.

Chemical reaction type: CaCO3 (heating) = CaO + CO2 (gas) When adding water to the stone, it can accelerate the heat dissipation and reduce the damage to the stone.

3, the gloss of the water mill is more soft and beautiful

During the grinding and polishing process of the stone, all the light emitted by the high temperature is different from the light thrown out at the natural temperature.

The luster that is thrown out at natural temperature looks bright and bright, and under high temperature conditions, the heat generated by the friction moment has a certain destructive effect on the crystal structure of the stone, so the gloss produced by the dry grinding has glare and burning. Eclipse, dry, not transparent.

Generally, when black stone is ground, it tends to be white, and water mill is better than dry mill. The beige stone is dry-grinded all the way, and the color is not transparent, the bright is bright, but the gloss is dry and faint, which is due to the high temperature ablation during grinding.

The heat generated by dry grinding is harmful to any stone. It is not obvious on white or beige light stone, but it is especially noticeable on black stone. Therefore, dark stone, relatively transparent jade, etc., it is best to grind.

4, the pollution caused by dry grinding is difficult to handle

Dry grinding produces dust, which is mostly flying in the air, and a small amount is dissolved or absorbed into the holes of the stone. These extremely fine stone powders enter the interior of the stone to absorb moisture and absorb moisture, which will pollute the stone for a long time.

Flying dust in the air is very detrimental to the health of stone caregivers. Moreover, the dust generated during dry grinding is difficult to handle. The dust generated during the grinding process of the stone is very delicate and can produce a floating effect. As the mesh size increases, the fineness of the dust increases exponentially, and the dust volume becomes larger and larger. It is very difficult for you to deal with these dusts in the city.

Second, when does the stone dry grinding?

1, no protective stone

Stones that have been glazed, mirrored, or heavily aged on the surface need to be opened before the protective agent is applied. The specific method is to grind the crystallization, sealing layer or aging layer of the surface to facilitate the grinding. Absorbent absorption.

Stone coating protective agent, in order to achieve good results, requires the stone to be clean and dry, the stone that has not been protected is easy to absorb water. If the surface of the stone is opened by water grinding, the water absorption will extend the construction period.

Therefore, if there is no protective stone, the surface can be opened by dry grinding before applying the protective coating.

2, grinding and polishing

The stone grinding leveling and grinding optimization step uses water grinding, and in the grinding and polishing process, the light is accelerated by the dry grinding. The specific method is to grind to 1000 mesh by water grinding. The stone can be added with little or no water to semi-dry or completely dry. In practical applications, it is found to be a practical technique to help the stone.

The reason is that during the low-stage water mill, the stone has absorbed water and the ground is moist. Therefore, it can be dry-grinded after 1000 mesh, and the heat of dry grinding can also accelerate the evaporation of water, and the stone is dried in advance, which is the crystal seal of the latter. Glaze operation saves waiting time.

3, wall, corner, countertop

The wall must be dry-ground because the wall does not have water-grinding conditions. The finishing work after the stone is finished, such as the wall and the corner where the large machine is out of reach, can be carried out by dry grinding. As well as lines, small areas of enamel, repairing countertops, etc., dry grinding is more convenient.

Dry grinding is not absolutely without adding water. If the dark stone is dry and whitish during the grinding process, you can add a little water during the grinding, which will be better.

The granite texture is hard and the color is beautiful. It is a high-quality building stone. The compressive strength varies according to the type of stone and the origin. Granite is not easy to weather, beautiful in color, and it can be connected for more than 100 years. Due to its high hardness and wear resistance, it is used for building decoration engineering, hall floor, and open-air carving.

Granite and microcrystalline stone flooring are hard to wear, but through long-term use, especially the erosion of outdoor acid rain, thermal expansion and contraction in summer and winter, weathering and dip, granite and microcrystalline stone floors will also lose their luster or even damage. Therefore, grinding, refurbishing, and maintenance will not be small.

First look at the general situation of the granite to determine whether it needs to be refurbished. If it is not necessary to renovate, it should be chemically restored to its revival. If it needs to be refurbished, it must adopt the correct refurbishment method.

Granite renovation process:

(1) First set the construction mark at the construction address to clean the granite floor that needs to be refurbished.

(2) Rough grinding: use 50#, 150# granite floor polishing pad or diamond bitter 60#, 120#, 220# grinding block (rough grinding, do not use soft polishing pad for grinding, easy to present sea waves, affecting flatness The coarse grinding water supply should be large, and the water should be thoroughly absorbed after each abrasive grinding. Check whether the deep scribe left by the cutting abrasive is ground with 50# abrasive, and so on, mechanical grinding, coarse grinding, and overall grinding. % time is the key link to ensure the completion quality inspection of Chengdu cleaning project.

(3) Fine grinding: using 300#, 500#, 1000# granite floor polishing pad, fine grinding accounts for 35% of the whole research time, after fine grinding to 500#, there is initial light, fine grinding to 1000#, the gloss is up to 50 degrees.

(4) Fine grinding: using 2000#, 3000# granite floor polishing pad for grinding and fine grinding, which accounts for 20% of the total grinding time. After finishing, the gloss is not promoted, but the density of granite and microcrystalline stone is improved. Polishing powder A5, polishing slurry (A2A5 blending agent) lay a solid foundation.

(5) Polishing: using a power of 2HP or more, a rotational speed of 175–210 rpm, a weight of 45 70 kg of crystal face machine, a hairy pad of 70%, a 3M pad, a nano pad, a common polishing powder A5. A2. Or polishing slurry (A2A5 blending agent for polishing and polishing, polished granite, microcrystalline stone profile gloss of more than 90 degrees.

(6) Crystal hardening treatment: using crystal machine power 2HP or more, rotating speed 75–210 rpm, weight 45 70 kg common cleaning pad (white or red) 3M pad, nano pad, crystal surface hardener A2 The watering can is evenly sprayed on the granite and microcrystalline stone profiles, and the starting crystal plane is 1.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters long. It is repeatedly moved 6 times round trip. Through the process of 3M pad, nano pad, friction on the granite microcrystalline stone, heat and crystal are generated. The hardener A2 performs ion exchange, forms a nanocrystalline polymer copolymer into a crystalline layer, is glassy, ​​has high hardness, wear resistance, transparency, and is resistant to water, stain, and slip.

Granite floor polishing pads have a complete and standard grain size color system and great flexibility. It’s easier to machine lines, chamfers, curved plates and shaped stones. The specifications are optional, the various particle sizes are easy to distinguish, and the various floors and steps of the paving are handled and refurbished. A variety of hand or refurbished machines can be used for a variety of grinding machines, depending on the needs and customization.

After the resin material and the glue are stirred, they are in the form of liquid during the production operation. Unlike the polishing pad powder, it is easy to fly. The stirred powder is poured into the forming abrasive, and the mold is removed by a special fixture. Bake in an oven for 20 minutes, bake at a temperature of about 70, and cure.

Such a resin polishing pad is produced. The resin-bonded polishing pad is mainly used for grinding and polishing of various stone surfaces, and does not dye the stone. Excellent quality and reasonable price, it is an ideal dry grinding and polishing tool. So how do you use a resin polishing pad?

Resin polishing pad rough grinding treatment:

1. terrazzo floor, concrete colored sand floor, uniform dry sand hardening agent floor: according to the floor hardness, select the granularity 30#-200# concrete soft (dry) polishing pad and concrete polishing pad coarse grinding, using particle size 100# – 300#’s matching medium and large grinding machines can improve the grinding efficiency and make the ground flatness better.

2. After the ground leveling treatment, select the high-grain number (100#-300#) concrete polishing pad for rough grinding.

Resin polishing pad fine grinding treatment:

1. Ground after rough grinding: Generally, the fine grinding treatment using the above-mentioned particle size 300#-1500# is selected, and the matching medium and large grinding machine can be used to improve the grinding efficiency and make the ground flatness better.

2. Newly made aggregate hardener surface to maintain the surface effect of the original slurry: Select the above-mentioned granular floor soft polishing pad of 300#-500# or a small-sized grinding machine, and select the corresponding size number according to the surface hardness and curing time of the floor. Polishing pad. A new floor with good mechanical light is easy to make a uniform surface effect.

In addition, pay attention to the use of the resin polishing pad:

1. When working, the workpiece should be fixed, the profile positioning should conform to the direction of the knife to avoid abnormal cutting, do not apply side pressure or curve cutting, the feed should be smooth, avoid the blade impact contact with the workpiece, resulting in damage, or workpiece flying. Out, an accident occurred.

2. When working, if the sound and vibration are abnormal, the cutting surface is rough, or the odor is generated, the operation must be terminated immediately, and the fault should be checked in time to eliminate the accident to avoid accidents.

3. When starting cutting and stopping cutting, do not feed the knife too fast to avoid broken teeth and damage.

4. If cutting aluminum alloy or other metals, use a special cooling lubricant to prevent overheating, paste, and other damage, affecting the quality of the cut.

5. Equipment chip flute and slag suction device ensure smooth flow to prevent slag from forming into blocks, affecting production and safety.

6. When dry cutting, do not cut continuously for a long time, so as not to affect the service life and cutting effect of the polishing pad. Wet film cutting should be cut with water to prevent leakage.

The diamond polishing pad is mainly made of high-quality resin binder and diamond micro-powder, combined with advanced and exquisite technology. It is widely used in the renovation of flooring, stone processing and tile production. Let’s take a look at the manufacturer’s small series to learn about the use of diamond polishing pads.

First, the use of diamond polishing pad

1. It is used for stone processing such as artificial stone, granite and marble. It has complete standard grain size and good flexibility. It is handy for line, chamfer, curved plate and special-shaped stone processing. It has various shapes and specifications. Various granularity numbers are easy to distinguish, and can be flexibly matched with various hand grinders according to needs and habits.

2. It can be used for the treatment and renovation of various floors and steps after laying granite, marble and artificial stone plates. It can be flexibly matched with various hand grinders or refurbished machines according to needs and habits.

3. For the grinding and polishing of ceramic tiles, the tile manufacturer is equipped with manual, automatic full-throwing machine and semi-polishing machine for the full-throwing and semi-polishing treatment of microcrystalline bricks, glazed tiles and antique bricks. The brightness of the smooth surface can reach more than 90; it can be used for ground treatment and refurbishment of microcrystalline bricks and various ceramic tiles. It can be flexibly matched with various hand grinders or refurbished machines according to needs and habits.

4. It is used for the renovation of concrete floors, warehouses, parking lots and other concrete floors or various aggregate hardener floors, especially the popular liquid hardener floor project, which can be flexibly matched with various hand grinding according to needs and habits. Machine or refurbished machine, use different sizes of DS grinding discs for coarse grinding, fine grinding and polishing.

Second, the use of precautions

1. When abnormal sounds and vibrations, rough cutting surfaces or odors are found, the work must be terminated immediately, and the faults should be checked and eliminated in time to avoid accidents.

2. When working, the workpiece should be fixed, the profile positioning should be consistent with the direction of the tool to avoid abnormal cutting, no side pressure or curve cutting, smooth knife feeding, avoiding the impact of the blade and workpiece contact, resulting in saw blade damage, or workpiece Flying out, causing an accident.

3. When cutting and stopping cutting, do not use it too fast to avoid broken and broken teeth.

4. If cutting aluminum alloy or other metal, use special cooling lubricant to prevent the saw blade from overheating, causing damage such as paste and affecting the cutting quality.

5. The equipment waste slag tank and slag suction device ensure the smooth flow of water, prevent slag agglomeration, and affect production and safety.

6. Dry cutting, do not cut for a long time, so as not to affect the service life and cutting effect of the saw blade; when cutting wet, it should be cut with water to prevent leakage.

7. If you are using a portable water polisher, remember that the overall speed of the motor cannot be ≤ 4500 rpm.

8. Is the stone of different colors, when choosing soft grinding tablets must choose the color and stone close.

9. When we use soft grinding discs, the correct way is to stick the velvet surface directly to the joint, which is not only convenient but also very fast….